Antique posters bed

Posters bed is a bed with four vertical poles on each corner that has been available since the 16th century. Some of the poster bed design using four posters and fitted rectangular panel at the top, some designs fitted wooden frame for the canopy at the top of the posters, and several designs using low posters to accent the bed corner. Most of the classic four-poster bed has turned poles decorated with straight or twisted reeds, while modern poster bed using plain round or square posters.

Following some of the poster beds that we have ever made in Indonesia.

Indonesian posters bed

In Indonesia posters beds used by royalty,  most of the design decorated with elaborate carvings on posters and headboard. The most popular four posters bed design among the common people is rustic poster beds with minimum craftsmanship, fitted with a wooden frame above posters to hang a mosquito net. 

Sheraton caned poster bed

The Sheraton four-poster bed popular in Indonesia in the 18th century when Raffles colonize Java and Sumatra. This design uses turned four-poster bed decorated with straight and twisted reeds. The tapered upwards upper section of the poster decorated with straight reeds, the bottom section decorated with twisted reed. Rectangular wooden frames fitted on top of the four posters fastened with a bolt inside finial decors. A wooden frame and rattan woven headboard fitted to the posters. Solid wood aprons with tenon and corner brace end decorated with thin grooves near the edges, fastened to the headboard and footboard using tenon bolts.

Colonial wood posters bed

The colonial woodturning four-poster bed is a modification of the Sheraton design. The posters turned and tapered decorated with straight reeds at the top section, rectangular and rounded bottom section. Wooden rectangular frame fixed at the top of the posters fastened with screws and bolt inside the finial decoration. Stepped top frame headboard fixed to the rectangular section of the poster, crossing wooden slays decoration inside the frame. Plain side aprons connected the headboard and footboard with tenon and bolt fasteners. Dovetail ends wooden slats inserted inside the aprons for mattress supports. A large beam stretcher under the wooden slats from the center of the headboard to the center of footboard.

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